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Deer Repellent Services

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Preserve Your Beautiful Landscape with Our Services

Although deer may be beautiful to see, their foraging can cause major damage to your landscape and gardens. These adorable woodland critters can ravage your yard by munching on foliage and trampling plants. To a hungry deer, your shrubs and garden look like a tasty meal. Our Deer repellents can help prevent unwanted snacking and keep the deer away from your yard.

Deer can be charming creatures, but they can also cause significant damage to your yard and garden. At Mosquito 180, we offer effective deer control services to help you keep your landscape beautiful and intact.

Why Use Our Deer Control Services

Treatments discourage the deer via both smell and taste to help reduce damage to your plants, shrubs, and trees. We create a deterrent barrier around the perimeter of your yard. Additionally, we treat the plants that deer consider dinner or dessert. This dual approach discourages deer from entering your yard and feeding on your vegetation, protecting your landscape from costly harm.

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Our Approach

We use natural deer control treatments that will not impact your plants, pets, or the environment. If the deer happens to NOT be deterred by the smell, an attempt at a taste should send them elsewhere for food. Our goal is to provide effective deer control without harming these majestic animals. 

Benefits of Deer Control in Your Yard

Every landscape is unique, so once deer have found a food source in your yard, it may take some time and a multitude treatment to change their habits and deter them. Whether you have a small yard with a few landscape beds or a large garden full of tasty treats, we will work with you to drive the deer away. There are several benefits to deterring deer from your property: 

  • Reduce the destruction of your landscape beds. Deer love eating the common landscape plants such as Hostas, Yew, Azaleas, fruit trees, and many more. In a single night of snacking, they can undo all your hard work in creating a gorgeous landscape which could easily be worth thousands of dollars. 
  • Defend your vegetable garden. Deer love most vegetable garden plants and will even dig for your root vegetables. 
  • Reduce ticks on your property. Where there are deer there are deer ticks. Deer control treatment on your property is a helpful add-on for those who take advantage of our award-winning mosquito and tick control treatments.

Get Started Today!

Don't let deer damage your beautiful landscape. Add deer repellent treatments to our proven Mosquito 180 services for extra savings! Contact Mike at Mosquito 180 today (978) 377-1112 for a free quote and enjoy a healthy, deer-resistant yard!

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